Deutsch Intern
    Chair of Special Education V - Education for People with Emotional and Behavioural Disorders

    Successful Transitions

    Evaluation of the Project "Successful Transition into Life and Work"

    The school-internal project "successfull transitions into life and work" of the Hermann-Hesse-School Gütersloh aimed to selected pupils from the eighth year of school attendance. These pupils have an identified special educational need for support with focus on emotional and social development. Moreover, they tend to impetus poverty, refusal and intensive support needs. Main concern of the project is to avoid a dropout in both school and post-school from the school and the vocational education system.

    The achievement of the ability to take measures is the key criterion for success, i. e. the development of the individual willingness to participate in a programme and the associated perspective on the achievement of the goals of the respective post-school education programme offered by the Federal Employment Agency.

    For this purpose, in substance four conceptual elements are implemented within school and systematically linked with each other.

    • Learning and working in the context of vocational fields of action (long-term internship in social enterprises), inter alia to enable the experience of self-efficacy
    • Individualised learning in school (social, individualised regarding content and time)
    • Compensatory education and support by external attachment figures in the extracurricular environment (voluntary godparents)
    • Case-management of the process of transition (inter alia social work in school)

    This project was funded by the Reinhard-Mohn-Foundation Gütersloh from October 2018 until October 2019. In this framework the University of Würzburg carried out a scientific evaluation of the project, which was completed as of October 2019.

    The following research questions were of particular interest in the evaluation of the project:

    1. Which target group does the project "successful transitions" address with its specific offer?
    2. What structural and process-orientated framework conditions have been created by the project "successful transitions" in order to enable a successful transition?
    3. Which individual courses of transition of pupils can be identified within the project "successful transitions"? Which conclusions on the individual importance of the project participation do these biographies allow - taking into account the complex cause-effect-relationship?
    4. What consequences result from the findings of the evaluation for the conceptual development of the project "successful transitions, especially with regard to design of the implemented framework conditions?

    The final report of this project evaluation is published at wbv, Bielefeld, under the following heading:

    Moreover, results of a substudy in the framework of this project was published in December 2020 in the "Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik, Ausgabe 12" (journal for curative education, issue 12):

    • Hascher, P./Kranert, H.-W./Stein, R. (2020): Schülerinnen und Schüler mit dem Förderschwerpunkt Emotional-soziale Entwicklung am Übergang Schule-Beruf: Belastungen und pädagogische Konsequenzen. (assuming)

    Term: October 2018 until October 2019

    Funding institution: Reinhard Mohn Stiftung Gütersloh

    Research unit:
    Prof. Dr. Roland Stein, project manager
    Hans-Walter Kranert, Academic Council,  deputy project manager
    Philipp Hascher, academic staff

    Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg
    Faculty of Human Sciences
    Institute for Special Education
    Chair of Special Education V
    Wittelsbacherplatz 1
    97074 Würzburg
    phone: 0931 / 31-84829