Studying abroad

The summarized presentation of the Erasmus-info-event (14.11.2016) is available for download here. For the presentation of the International Office, see this link.
The Institute for Special Education offers selected exchange programs, e. g. ERASMUS (see below), DAAD, Fulbright and the partner universities of the University of Würzburg.
Our Erasmus partner universities:
University of Budapest: curative faculty Gustáv Bárczi (HU)
University of Brünn: Masarykova univerzita v Brno (CZ)
University of Cádiz (ES)
University of Fribourg (CH)
Online presentation of the university: Link
University of Graz (AT)
University of Huelva (ES)
Pedagogic University of Kärnten (AT)
Plus 11 more Erasmus partner universities of the University of Würzburg in Europe (compare PDF at educational sciences and humanities p.34-35)
Internships abroad can also be promoted. If you are interested in a semester or internship abroad, please contact us until the beginning of January. Topical information is available at the International Office, as well as here on this homepage.
Mr. Thomas Spaett, assisted by Annika Trosbach, is the person in charge for foreign affairs at the institute for Special Education; he is happy to give advice, the same applies to the International Office (Link
For our own Erasmus-programs (Budapest, Brünn, Cadiz, Fribourg, Graz, Huelva, Klagenfurt and Linköping) you can send your application directly at For all other programs, also the promotion of internships, the International Office is to be contacted first.
The application deadline for each of our four programs is 15 Mar 2015 every year for the upcoming academic year (winter- and summer semester)
Your application should include five components at most:
1. This filled out form attached to your application email (PDF).
2. A motivational letter (ca. one half page, in which you point out your particular interest. More extensive letters will not be accepted!)
3. A CV, which illustrates your commitment beyond the subject (we are interested in your commitment for humans with disabilities and impairments of all kinds)
4. A printout from sb@home, which documents the progression and the success of your studies.
5. Proof of foreign language skills (only for the two Spanish partners, because there are lectures in German in Budapest and lectures in English in Brünn. Acquired language skills during the German Abitur are sufficient for this; please add a certificate of language skills as a proof of the level B1 for the Spanish universities Huelva and Cadiz).
If there is more applicants than places, we will select the applicants according to the aspects mentioned above.
Please send your application as PDF to: